
Here you can find a collection of electric and electronic circuits realized by the PSpice tool or by Cadence ORCAD Capture Lite. You can freely download, use or modify all the stuff you'll find here. Anyone who wishes to collaborate and share his experience, i invited to send, his works.
OrCAD 17.2 PSpice Designer Lite Software, it's freely downlonable, after registation, here
PSpice is a free open source software, download it here

Op-Amp Differentiator

Op-Amp Differentiator using the ideal LM324 amplfier part

The input is a 'tapezoidal'voltage realized by VPULSE part. The output voltage is a square waveform, i.e. the differentiation of the input voltage.


Ideal Op-Amp VS real Op-Amp

This simulation is made using the model of a real Op-Amp (LM324) and the ideal Op-Amp (OPAMP)

Here you'll find the comparison between the transfer function of the LM324 (continuos line) and that of the ideal Op-Amp (dashed line). The behavior is similar only in low frequency.


Op Amp Integrator: IDEAL circuit

Ideal circuit of an Op Amp Integrator: with a sine wave and a square vawe voltage input

Transient simulation and transfer fuction simulation. In the zip file:
- Op Amp Integrator ideal circuit - transient
- Op Amp integrator ideal circuit - transfer function Bode plot
Some tips to avoid output off-set in "Appunti" tab.


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